oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison which is better?

Are you planning to buy Bluetooth neckband earphones soon? We are sure you have done a lot of research about which one is the best neckband under 2K rupees. As mentioned in the title, both neckbands are of top-notch quality and value. But, ultimately it might be a little difficult to decide for which one to buy. To ease the decision, we are presenting the oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison, which will help you to make a better approach.

By reading this article, you will be able to decide which neckband is better for you to buy. We will compare all the points, goods and bads of the neckband. Like all the audience, we assume your priorities are sound quality, call quality, connectivity, battery life, charging, and, most importantly, durability.

oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison which is better?

oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison
oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison
Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Model NameEnco M32Rockerz 330 Pro
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorOverall fantasticLong battery life
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date4 January 202228 November 2021
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

The main points of comparison include Build Quality, Connectivity, Battery & Charging, Sound Quality, and Price range. Along with these, we will also inform you about the good one and the better one according to different activities.

Build Quality Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Built withSilicon, TitaniumSilicon
IPX ratingIP55IPX5
Magnetic earbudsYesYes
Controls3 buttons controls3 buttons controls

First of all, let us compare the build quality of both beasts. Talking about the oppo Enco M32, it is stunningly cool in terms of design, and perfect in terms of build quality. It is exceptionally lightweight and comfortable. The silicone ear tips have magnets that stick them together for a better lock around the neck. It has three buttons controls to pause/play music, attend calls, and switch between tracks and volume management. It is protected by IP55 hydro nano-coating to preserve its excellence.

While in boAt Rockerz 330 pro is made of plastic with a metal finish on earpieces. the ear stabilizers on the earpieces make them sticky. The earbuds are magnetic but lack controls. The design might feel a little low to some users but that totally depends from user to user. It is rated IPX5 for water and sweat resistance.

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Neckband Earphones
boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Neckband Earphones

Connectivity Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Bluetooth versionBT5.0BT5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C portType-C port
Dual PairingNoYes

In terms of connectivity, there do not seem to be many significant differences in both. The Bluetooth version in oppo Enco M32 is BT5.0 which is not old to be considered but not the latest. However it has low latency mode that gives you better experience while gaming and movies.

While in boAt Rockerz 330 Pro, we get latest Bluetooth V5.2 but lacks a low latency mode. so we can consider both as equally answer to each other. That totally depends on users what the prefer the most.

Battery & Charging Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Battery Capacity220mAh300 mAh
Playback time28 hours60 hours
Time for full charge35 min1 hour
Fast chargingYes (10 min charge; 20 hours playback)Yes (10 min charge; 20 hours playback)
Charging PortType-CType-C

Talking of the battery life, there is a huge difference. oppo Enco M32 comes with long 28 hours battery life which is more than sufficient for day-to-day usage. It can last 4-5 days to talk about normal usage. It also has fast charging that makes it ready for 20 hours in just 10 min. This is the fastest charging in the range.

On the other side, we get a vigorous 60-hour battery life in boAt Rockerz 330 Pro which was beyond imagination before its launch. It also got same fast charging technology that makes it ready for 20 hours in just 10 min. If we talk about how long the battery is, It can easily last more than 10-12 days.

Sound Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Drivers size10mm10mm
Sensitivity106.5 dB @1kHz-98dB +3dB
Bass QualityGoodGood

Talking of the sound comparison, This one is truly amazing in both. oppo Enco M32 is more wonderful as it has the better driver sensitivity to product hectic bass. The loudness is quite good in both but oppo has better bass and neodymium magnet drivers that are more rich in loudness. talking of the sound balance, both have highs and lows equally balanced but both focus on different genres of music. oppo Enco M32 is more focused on heavy metals, concert, and rock-type music.

While boAt Rockerz 330 Pro focuses on Jazz, classical and electro-pop genres. Please notice that both will not disappoint you with any genres but these are the highlighting factors.boAt Roclerz 330 has 10mm dynamic drivers that produce good loudness and bass according to volume settings. This is what a typical boAt signature sound sounds like.

Activities Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro

Price & Price range Comparison

Productoppo Enco M32boAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Max PriceRs 2499/-Rs 2999/-
Min PriceRs 1499/-Rs 1599/-
Good to buy for/underRs 1900/-Rs 1900/-
Current Price

oppo Enco M32 Price range: The highest price ever recorded for oppo Enco M32 is Rs 2499/- while the lowest one is Rs 1499/-. However, it is best to buy under Rs. 1900/-.

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Price range: The highest price ever recorded for boAt Rockerz 330 Pro is Rs 2999/- while the lowest one is Rs 1599/-. However, it is best to buy under Rs. 1900/-.


After analyzing all the differences, we conclude that there is a very thin line between these two. Both are very close to perfection. but from different routes. boAt Rockerz 330 Pro is the best choice for users that want the longest battery life. It has the sound quality users will love to hear. But from practical usage, we found that oppo Enco M32 is better.

oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison which is better
oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison which is better

The oppo Enco M32 has a sufficient battery life and immersive audio settings. It is the perfect neckband with perfect design. Still there is one thing that makes it superior than boAt Rockerz 330 Pro. It is the design that looks so much different than any other neckband. It is so minimalistic isn’t it? But is is enough to make them buy instead of boAt Rockerz 330 Pro?

The answer totally depends on user to user what they prefer. In terms of audio settings, you will never have any disappointments. For battery you will love boAt Rockerz 330 Pro. In terms of durability, You can trust both brands equally. This is all what makes these earphones different.

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People Also Ask

What are the main differences in the oppo Enco M32 vs boAt Rockerz 330 Pro comparison?

The main differences are in-
1. Build Quality- Design
2. Connectivity-Latency
3. Battery-Playback time
4. Audio-Sound balance and loudness

Is Bluetooth v5.0 too old now?

Considering the newest version 5.2, Bluetooth v5.0 does the job perfectly, so it is not old.

Is Dual pairing a necessary feature nowadays?

It totally depends on the user, and how much they prioritize the features.

Which neckband is perfect for gym and sports?

oppo Enco M32 is lightweight and provides a secure fit into the ears, hence it is better for gym and sports.

Which neckband is perfect for gaming?

Although none of these neckbands are made for gaming, you can enjoy games with low latency in oppo Enco M32.

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