Noise Buds vs104 vs Noise Buds vs104 Pro Comparison which is better & why?

Today we are going to compare noise Buds vs104 and noise Buds vs104 Pro here for you to decide better one. The noise Buds vs104 Pro is the successor of noise Buds vs104. So we thought to write about Noise Buds vs104 vs Noise Buds vs104 Pro Comparison.

After reading this guide, you can choose a better one for yourself. Let’s dive deep into the detailed comparison guide between these two TWS earbuds.

Noise Buds vs104 vs Noise Buds vs104 Pro Comparison: An Overview

A guide on Noise Buds vs104 vs Noise Buds vs104 Pro Comparison
Noise Buds vs104 vs Noise Buds vs104 Pro Comparison
ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Model NameBuds VS104Buds VS104 Pro
Type of Earphonesin-Earhalf in-Ear
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date15 June 202212 Oct 2022
Global ratings4⭐ out of 53.7⭐ out of 5

We have analyzed the comparison between noise Buds vs104 and noise Buds vs104 Pro on the basis of build quality, connectivity, battery & charging performances, sound and call quality, and price.

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Build & Design Comparison

ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
Type of Earphonesin-EarHalf in-Ear
IPX ratingIPX5IPX5
Battery life IndicatorYes (four LEDs)Yes (Single LED)
ControlsTouch controlsTouch controls
Dedicated Reset ButtonNoYes
Weight4g for earbuds, 30g for case3.3g for earbuds, 27g for case

The build & design of both earbuds is similar. The charging case is oval shape design with a matte finish. Noise Buds vs104 has four LED battery life indicators whereas noise Buds vs104 Pro doesn’t. The reset button is placed on the charging case of noise Buds vs104 Pro but noise Buds vs104 does not have a dedicated reset button.

The huge difference between the noise Buds vs104 and noise Buds vs104 Pro is here in the design of the earbuds. noise Buds vs104 has in-Ear design buds and flat surfaces on the CTC area whereas noise Buds vs104 Pro has half-in-Ear design buds and a little curve design on CTC areas like boAt airdopes 141.

noise Buds vs104 vs noise Buds vs104 Pro Build and Design for buds
noise Buds vs104 vs noise Buds vs104 Pro Build and Design for buds

We feel the in-ear design is more comfortable for secure than other types of earphones. So noise Buds vs104 is a little bit more secure fit. In the case of lightweight, the noise Buds vs104 Pro is a little bit more lightweight in design.

Overall the winner is noise Buds vs104 Pro in the build & design area.

Related | boAt Airdopes 141 vs noise Buds vs104

Connectivity comparison

ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Bluetooth versionv5.2v5.3
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Latencynot for hardcore gamingnot for hardcore gaming
Dual PairingNoNo
Fast PairingYesYes
Voice AssistantGoogle, Siri SupportGoogle, Siri Support

Newly launched noise Buds vs104 Pro has the latest Bluetooth version which is v5.3 whereas noise Buds vs104 has v5.2.

Except for Bluetooth, there is no difference in the connectivity area between noise Buds vs104 and noise Buds vs104 Pro.

So the winner is noise Buds vs104 Pro here in the connectivity part because of the latest version of Bluetooth.

Battery & Charging Performance comparison

ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Playback time6 hrs for buds; 24 hrs for case6.5 hrs for buds; 33.5 hrs for case
Charging time1 hr for buds; 1.5 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 1.5 hrs for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 150 min playbackYes; 10 min = 150 min playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

After testing the charging and battery performance for noise Buds vs104 and noise Buds vs104 Pro, we found there is only a single difference in total playback time and noise Buds vs104 Pro is ahead of noise Buds vs104 in the battery backup.

You can clearly see above in the table that noise Buds vs104 has 6 hours of battery backup for buds and 24 hours for the case whereas noise Buds vs104 Pro has 6.5 hours of battery backup for buds and 33.5 hours for the case.

So the winner is noise Buds vs104 Pro here.

Sound & call quality comparison

ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Drivers size13mm14.2mm
Bass QualityGoodBetter
MicsDual MicQuad Mic

You will get better driver size, loudness, bass, balance, and quad mic in noise Buds vs104 Pro in comparison to noise Buds vs104.

The noise Buds vs104 is the latest earbuds from earbuds and the successor of noise Buds vs104 so it is obvious that the successor version has more advanced features than its predecessor.

So there is a little bit of advancement in the sound and call quality for noise Buds vs104 Pro.

Price Overview

ProductNoise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro
Max. PriceRs 1719/-Rs 1699/-
Min. PriceRs 849/-Rs 1699/-
Good to buy underRs 1500/-Rs 1700/-
Current Price

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Wrapping Up: noise Buds vs104 vs Buds vs104 Pro

First of all, there is straight forward selection basis that is the earphone type criteria. If you like the in-Ear type earphones, you can go with noise Buds vs104 otherwise if you like half in-Ear type earphones then you consider buying noise Buds vs104 Pro.

Except for the design of the buds, you can consider the noise Buds vs104 Pro with a little bit of advancement in sound & call quality, battery performance, and connectivity. But if you have an under 1500 budget then you can go with noise Buds vs104 because it is the best deal under 1500 Rupees budget.

Noise Buds VS104Noise Buds VS104 Pro

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