boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison which is better?

Are you not able to decide to buy one over other earphones? In this comparison guide, we are writing a full detailed analysis about “boat rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition which is better” so that you will be able to choose between boat rockerz 330 pro and oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition.

We compare both earphones based on build quality, connectivity, battery & charging, sound quality, and price. We will tell you the honest comparison guide here in order to make your decision clear. We hope this comparison guide will help you to find better earphones.

boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison which is better?

boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison
boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison
FeaturesboAt Rockerz 330 ProOneplus Bullets Wireless Z Bass Edition
Type of EarphoneWireless NeckbandWireless Neckband
Bluetooth Version5.25.0
Range of Bluetooth10M10M
Battery Capacity (mAh)150 mAh*2Not mentioned
Playback time60 hours (at 60% volume)17 Hours
Charging time1 Hour30 min
Driver Size10mm*29.2mm*2
Magnetic EarbudsYesYes
Charging Cable TypeUSB Type CUSB Type C
IPX Rating (Sweat Resistant)IPX5IP55
Dedicated MicrophoneYesYes
Fast Charging SupportYes (10 minutes charging = 20 Hours Playback)Yes (10 minutes charging = 10 Hours Playback)
ENx TechnologyYesNo
Dual PairingYesNo
Warranty1 Year1 Year

Build Quality Comparison

FeatureboAt Rockerz 330 ProOneplus Bullets Wireless Z Bass Edition
Battery life indicatorNoNo
Water-resistant/ Sweat ResistantIPX5IP55
Made up ofStrong PlasticSilicon
Controls & Input3 button controls3 button controls
Magnetic EarbudYesYes

In the build quality comparison, both are giving tough competition to each other. Boat rockerz 330 pro has made up of strong plastic and there is a metal finish at the neck whereas oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition has made up of silicon. boAt rockerz 330 pro has buttons above the neckband in separate places whereas oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition has buttons at the bottom place. Both earphones have sweat/water-resistant features.

There is not so much difference between the earphones but has a slight difference.

Connectivity comparison

FeatureboAt Rockerz 330 ProOneplus Bullets Wireless Z Bass Edition
I/O PortsType C Port for chargingType C Port for charging
Wireless ConnectivityBluetooth v5.2Bluetooth v5.0
Bluetooth Range10 meter10 meter
Dual PairingYesNo

If we talk about connectivity in both earphones, we found that boAt Rockerz has Dual pairing and Bluetooth v5.2 whereas oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition has no dual pairing feature and Bluetooth v5.0.

Here you can say the winner is boAt rockerz 330 pro because it has advanced and latest features.

Battery & Charging comparison

FeatureboAt Rockerz 330 ProOneplus Bullets Wireless Z Bass Edition
Battery Capacity (mAh)300 mAh (2*150 mAh)Not mentioned
Playback time60 Hours17 Hours
Time for the full charge1 Hour1.5 Hours
ASAP chargeYes (10 minutes charging = 20 Hour Playback)Yes (10 minutes charging = 10 Hours Playback)
Charging PortUSB Type CUSB Type C

Boat Rockerz 330 Pro is far ahead of oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition in this part of battery & charging. If we talk about the battery performances data, we found that boAt rockerz 330 pro has a 2*150 mAh battery capacity, 60 hours of playback time, 1 hour for a full charge, ASAP (10 minutes charging = 20 hours playback), and USB Type c port whereas Oneplus Bullets wireless Z Bass Edition has 17 hours, 1.5 hours for full battery charging time, ASAP (10 minutes = 10 hours playback) and USB Type c port.

So boAt Rockerz 330 pro has better battery performances than oneplus bullets wireless Z bass edition.

Sound Quality Comparison

FeatureboAt Rockerz 330 ProOneplus Bullets Wireless Z Bass Edition
Driver Size10 mm9.2 mm
Does it have a dedicated microphone?YesYes
Voice assistantYesYes
Bass qualityAbove Average bassDeep Bass

There is an almost similar feature in both earphones in this part of sound quality. Oneplus launched the oneplus bullets wireless z which lacks bass. So the oneplus came up with the oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition which has deep bass and is better than boat rockerz 330 pro.

Here, the winner is Oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition.

boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition Comparison

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Price Range: The lowest price has been recorded as 1600 Rs and the highest has been recorded as 1799 Rs. Usually, the price will be around 1600 to 1799 Rs. The good-to-buy price is under 1800 Rs.

oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition price range – In the case of these neckband earphones, there is not much price fluctuation so the lowest price has been recorded as 1799 Rs and the highest price is 1999 Rs. You can buy these neckband earphones for under 2000 Rs.

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 Prooneplus bullets wireless z bass edition
Max. Price1799 Rs1999 Rs
Min. Price1600 Rs1799 Rs
Good to buy PriceUnder 1800 RsUnder 2000 Rs
Current Price

The price difference between boAt rockerz 330 pro and oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition is happening around 200 to 400 Rs.

Our Final Conclusion

We analyzed the differences between boAt rockerz 330 pro and oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition. The build quality is almost similar but the design is different for both the earphones like the button position is different in both earphones. Boat Rockerz 330 pro is made up of premium plastic whereas oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition is made up of silicon.

boAt rockerz 330 pro has Bluetooth v5.2 and oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition has Bluetooth v5.0. Oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition has no dual pairing but has convenient features like a quick switch.

Boat Rockerz 330 pro is better than oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition in battery performance. On the other hand, oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition is better than the boat Rockerz 330 pro in sound quality.

boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison which is better
boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition comparison which is better

In the end, Overall boAt rockerz 330 pro is better than oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition. But if you want to choose and buy for bass music experience so you can buy oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition.

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Frequently Asked Question

What are the main differences between boAt Rockerz 330 pro and oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition?

The differences are here –
1. Bluetooth
2. Playback time
3. Audio Driver Size
4. Charging Time
5. Bass
6. ASAP Charge Feature

boAt Rockerz 330 pro vs oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition which is better?

boAt Rockerz 330 pro is better than oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition.

Do oneplus bullets wireless z bass edition worth it?

Yes, It is worth it to buy if you are a bass lover.

Does the boat rockerz 330 pro have dual pairing?


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