boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison which is better?

Are you in need of wireless neckbands with features and quality? There are plenty of options available in the market. This is the reason why only a few people tend to choose the right one for themself. Some earphones are rich in features and quality but some are priced high only because of their high brand value. We have to such neckbands which are priced very well and rich in features and quality, people are taking it difficult to choose one so, here we are with boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison so you can make the choice easy.

boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison which is better?

boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison
boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison
ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Model NameRockerz 330 ANCRockerz 330 Pro
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorActive Noise CancellationLong battery life
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date19 July 202228 November 2021
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Looking at the form factor of both the neckbands, boAt Rockerz 330 ANC is rich in features. the boAt becomes the first brand to introduce Active Noise Cancellation in this Price segment. but somewhere they might have missed the quality. The neckband is launched recently in July 2022 and is rated 4 stars since then. While boAt Rockerz 330 Pro is a legendary neckband that is most preferred by boAt by users. Of course due to its richness in features and quality.

Build Quality Comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Built withSiliconeSilicone
IPX ratingIPX4IPX5
Magnetic earbudsYesYes
Controls4 buttons controls3 buttons controls

For build quality, we can trust both neckbands equally as both are products of boAt. Rockerz 330 ANC is made with silicone and rated IPX4 for protection against water and sweat. It has 4 buttons controls (1 additional for ANC), and might feel bulky but not that much. The earbuds are stuck but lack the hooks. It might miss somewhere in a secure fit. The body is sleek but liking the design is people’s preference. In my opinion, the design looks outdated.

While on the other side, we have similarities in terms of design.3 buttons control, IPX5 rating, around the same weight, and all this is made of silicone so we can trust the durability. The fit in the ears is perfect due to the hooks. Overall this is a better design and build.

Connectivity comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Bluetooth versionBT5.2BT5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C portType-C port
Dual PairingYesYes

From the connectivity aspect, we have literally no difference, we get Recent Bluetooth 5.2 for seamless connectivity that connects with the device up to 10m, The latency is high so sorry for movies and gaming modes but we get Dual pairing.

Battery & Charging comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Battery Capacity220mAh300 mAh
Playback time24 hours60 hours
Charging time1.5 hours1 hour
Fast chargingYes (10 min charge; 2 hours playback)Yes (10 min charge; 20 hours playback)
Charging PortType-CType-C

The battery and charging abilities have a huge difference. boAt Rockerz 330 ANC has 24 hours of battery life which is not lesser considering the usage of a normal person. Also has fast charging which quickly charges the neckband for 2 hours.

While in boAt Rockerz 330 Pro, we have massive 60 hours long playback time with fast charging which is 10 times faster than that of boAt Rockerz 330 ANC.

Sound quality comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Drivers size13mm10mm
Bass QualityBetterGood

In terms of sound quality we get to see same amount of quality differences but on the opposite side, boAt Rockerz 330 ANC has massive 13mm drivers which produce heavy bass and sharp vocals. The neckbands are actually loud which adds an advantage in Active Noise Cancellation. No matter how loud the external noise is, 13mm drivers are enough to tackle the opposing anti-noise curves. Also, we get DIRAC Opteo support which makes the sound quality immersive and more clear.

While in terms of boAt Rockerz 330 Pro, we have the traditional boAt signature sound flavor and deep bass with clear vocals which are enough for normal users but it might suck in noisy conditions.

Performance comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro

Price & Price Range comparison

ProductboAt Rockerz 330 ANCboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Max PriceRs 1999/-Rs 2999/-
Min PriceRs 1499/-Rs 1599/-
Good to buy for/underRs 2000/-Rs 1900/-
Current Price

boAt Rockerz 330 ANC Price range: The highest price ever recorded for boAt Rockerz 330 ANC is Rs 1999/- while the lowest one is Rs 1499/-. However, it is best to buy under Rs. 2000/-.

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Price range: The highest price ever recorded for boAt Rockerz 330 Pro is Rs 2999/- while the lowest one is Rs 1599/-. However, it is best to buy under Rs. 1900/-.

Final verdict

The final questions come as to which one is the better neckband to try these days. It is to mention that All the features are necessary these days, with quality, boAt is offering a very premium feature at a very competitive price. This can be considered a surprise from boAt. So the answer is boAt Rockerz 330 ANC.

boAt Rockerz 330 ANC vs 330 Pro comparison which is better
Here is the better one!

The neckband might be low in terms of build, and super-low in terms of battery and charging but in the end, they did not miss any important feature. Instead, they made an Active Noise Cancellation neckband in the budget which is still a challenge for some brands.

Also, the sound quality got much more improvements than boAt Rockerz 330 Pro. So I think, the battery life and fast charging are much more than justified if we count the quality of Active Noise Cancellation and DIRAC Opteo-powered sound.

Buy boAt Rockerz 330 ANC
Buy boAt Rockerz 330 Pro

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People Also Ask

What is the ANC feature? Does it suck battery?

ANC stands for Active Noise Cancellation and is a system built into devices to reduce external noise. It uses a little battery.

Do the hooks in the earpiece matter?

Yes, the hooks in the earpieces provide a secure fit into the ears. However, if the earpiece is lightweight, it is better without hooks.

Which neckband has better sound quality?

boAt Rockerz 330 ANC has better sound balance, and clarity. Hence it is better in terms of sound.

Can we use these earphones with a PC/Laptop?

Yes, the earphones can be connected to any Bluetooth-compatible device.

How to claim the warranty for boAt neckbands?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

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