boAt Nirvana Ion vs realme Buds Air 3S which is better?

Are you waiting for the boAt Nirvana Ion vs realme Buds Air 3S comparison guide? If yes, we have compared and concluded that we have shared in this guide.

This is the perfect comparison between boAt Nirvana Ion and realme Buds Air 3S. Let’s see the conclusion of which is better and why.

boAt Nirvana Ion vs realme Buds Air 3S
boAt Nirvana Ion vs realme Buds Air 3S

Build & Design Comparison

ProductboAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S
Type of Earphonein-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsLonger Stem ShapeShorter Stem Shape
Design of CaseCuboidal round shapeCube Shape
Built withMatte finishGlossy Finsih
IPX ratingIPX4IPX5
Reset Button on CaseYesYes
Battery life IndicatorSingle LEDSingle LED
ControlsTouch controls & In-Ear detection budsTouch Controls

When you look at both earbuds’ design and build, we found there is a massive difference in design. boAt Nirvana Ion has a cuboidal shape charging case with in-ear longer stem shape buds whereas realme Buds Air 3S is a cube shape charging case with shorter in-ear stem shape buds.

The realme Buds Air 3S has a transparent charging case with a glossy finish whereas the boAt Nirvana Ion has not transparent charging case and it is a matte finish body.

Build and Design of boAt Nirvana Ion and realme Buds Air 3S
Build and Design of boAt Nirvana Ion and realme Buds Air 3S

Overall, both have good build and design quality according to the price range. You can choose whatever design you wish to choose and it all depends on you.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductboAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S
Bluetooth versionv5.2v5.3
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Application SupportNo App Supportrealme Link App
Dual PairingNoYes
IWP tech.YesYes
Google Fast PairingYesYes
Gaming ModeYesYes
In-Ear DetectionYesNo

boAt Nirvana Ion has lower latency in comparison to realme Buds Air 3S and it means boat nirvana ion is a little bit better than Buds Air 3S.

boAt Nirvana Ion has in-ear detection features whereas realme Buds Air 3S doesn’t.

boAt Nirvana has no dual pairing and but realme Buds Air 3S has.

In the connectivity part, the boAt Nirvana Ion is a little bit better than the realme Buds Air 3S because of the extra features.

Battery & Charging Comparison

ProductboAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S
Battery Capacity70mAh for buds, 600mAh for caseNot Mentioned
Playback time24 hours for Buds, 120 hours of total playback time.7 hours for Buds, 30 hours of total playback time.
Charging time1 hr for buds; 2.5 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 1 hr for case
Fast chargingYes10 minutes = 5 hour of playback time
Charging PortType-CType-C

Here is a big difference between boAt Nirvana Ion and realme Buds Air 3S. boAt Nirvana Ion has a giant battery backup of 120 hours for the case and 24 hours of playback time for buds whereas realme Buds Air 3S has 30 hours of battery backup for charging the case and 7 hours of battery backup for buds.

The difference can be seen clearly by looking at the battery backup data in the above table. We can say boAt Nirvana Ion is the winner here in this battery and charging part.

Sound & Call Quality

ProductboAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S
Drivers size10mm11mm
ClarityEqually GoodEqually Good
LoudnessEqually GoodEqually Good
Bass QualityEqually GoodEqually Good
BalanceEqually GoodEqually Good
Special Sound ProfileCrystal Bionic Sound Powered by HiFi DSPDOLBY ATMOS
For a Better Calling Experience4 mics AI ENC Call Noise Cancellation4 mics AI ENC Call Noise Cancellation
OverallEqually GoodEqually Good

Both are equally good in sound and call quality part. But if you love to explore the DOLBY ATMOS sound effect and realme Link Application support for customization then you can try realme Buds Air 3S.

Otherwise, boAt nirvana Ion has two EQ modes which are Balanced and Signature sound that you can use by controlling the touch control of earbuds. The signature mode has full bass with clear vocals part and balanced mode has a full clear vocal part with separation of all musical instruments which you can hear in this EQ mode.

For a better calling experience, both have Quad mic with AI call noise cancellation feature.

The sound quality and call quality are good in both earbuds. You can choose anyone and it all depends on you.

Price Comparison

ProductboAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S
Max. PriceRs 1999/-Rs 2499/-
Min. PriceRs 1999/-Rs 1799/-
Good to buy underRs 2000/-Rs 2500/-
Current Price

You can try more best earbuds under the 2500 budget, Click here.

Wrapping Up

Is boAt Nirvana Ion and realme Buds Air 3S worth comparing? Yes, it is worth comparing. There is tough competition between them. Overall both are good to buy.

boAt Nirvana Ion is a little bit enhanced in battery backup and gaming mode. And it also comes under the 2000 budget whereas realme Buds Air 3S comes for the 2500 budget.

If you love Dolby atmos sound and have a 2500 budget then you can try realme Buds Air 3S. Otherwise, you should choose boAt Nirvana Ion.

boAt Nirvana IonRealme Buds Air 3S

We have also covered the best premium earbuds under 10,000 and 15,000 budget in the previous post that you can try exploring

You can also check the similar comparison guide

If this guide helps you to choose a better one over another, let me know in the comment section below.

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