boAt Airdopes Atom 83 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Which is better?

The most sold boAt Airdopes is 141 under the 1500 budget category which is very popular starting from its launch. But there are other earbuds from the Boat brand which are worth comparing. So we have written a detailed comparison guide on boAt Airdopes Atom 83 vs boAt Airdopes 141 which is better.

After all testing features and specifications, we have presented our tested results in this comparison guide. Let’s dive deep into this guide.

boAt Airdopes Atom 83 vs boAt Airdopes 141 which is better
boAt Airdopes Atom 83 vs boAt Airdopes 141 which is better

Build and Design Overview

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141
Type of EarbudsIn-EarIn-Ear
Design of EarbudsStem Shape with flat design at the back of budsA little bit longer Narrow Stem Shape buds
Built WithPremium Plastic with Matte FinishPremium Plastic with Matte Finish
Battery life indicatorSingle LED battery life IndicatorFour LED battery life Indicator
Controls & Input(MFB) Touch area on both earbuds(MFB) Touch area on both earbuds
Charging PortType CType C

The buds design of boAt Airdopes Atom 83 has a flat shape design at the back side of buds with in-ear design stem shape earbuds. If you look at the charging case, it is like a pyramid but curve shape from upper to lower.

Talking about the build and design of boAt Airdopes 141, It is a little bit longer narrow stem shape with in-ear buds. It has a matte finish body. The charging case looks exactly suitcase shape.

Buds Design of boAt Airdopes Atom 83 and boAt Airdopes 141
Buds Design of boAt Airdopes Atom 83 and boAt Airdopes 141

The main difference between boAt Airdopes Atom 83 and boAt Airdopes 141 is that Atom 83 has IPX5, a Single LED battery indicator whereas Airdopes 141 has

IPX4, a four LED battery indicator. And of course the boat Airdopes Atom Atom 83 is a little bit lighter in weight and pocket friendly than Airdopes 141.

Connectivity Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141
Bluetooth versionv5.3v5.0
Bluetooth range10m10m
Charging PortsType CType C
Gaming modeYes (50ms)Yes (80ms)
IWP TechYesYes
Google & Siri ConnectYesYes

As the boAt Airdopes Atom 83 is a newer launch than Airdopes 141 so it almost confirms that newer earbuds have the latest version features and specifications.

The boat airdopes atom 83 has Bluetooth v5.3 and a latency of 50ms whereas boAt Airdopes 141 has 5.0 and a latency of 80ms.

Overall boAt Airdopes Atom 83 is a little bit better than Airdopes 141 in connectivity. But connectivity works well in both TWS earbuds.

Battery & Charging Performance

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141
Battery Capacity (mAh)320mAh (case), 35mAh (buds)600mAh (case), 30mAh (buds)
Playback time7 hours (Earbuds), 50 hours with a case6 hours (buds), 42 hours with a case
Time for a full charge40 minutes (earbuds), 2 Hrs (case)1 hour (buds), 2 hours (case)
ASAP charge5 minutes charging = 1 Hour Playback5 minutes charging = 75 minutes Playback
Charging PortUSB Type CUSB Type C

You would notice that boAt Airdopes 141 has a 600mAh capacity in a case but it has less battery backup than boAt Airdopes Atom 83 which has a 320mAh battery capacity case. All mentioned above is claimed by boAt on its of icial website and it is likely to be fair because the battery backup depends on how many resources are being used by a particular device.

Overall if we can say to you which is better between boAt Airdopes Atom 83 and boAt Airdopes 141 then the boAt Airdopes Atom 83 is better than Airdopes 141 in battery performance.

Sound & Call Quality Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141
Sound LeakageAbove 70% VolumeAbove 70% Volume
Frequency Response20Hz – 20kHz20Hz – 20kHz
Driver Size13mm8mm
For callingQuad Mic with ENx techDual Mic with ENx tech
Call QualityBetterGood
Voice assistantYesYes
Bass qualityBetterGood

We get better bass and call quality in boAt Airdopes Atom 83 than in boAt Airdopes 141. But we get the vocal part not so much good in Atom 83 as boAt Airdopes 141 has.

So if you are finding the bass-boosted TWS, you should consider Atom 83. But if you want a better vocal part then you should consider boAt Airdopes 141.

And overall the Atom 83 is better than Airdopes 141 in sound and calling quality part.

Price Overview

ProductboAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141
Highest PriceRs 1299/-Rs 1699/-
Lowest PriceRs 1299/-Rs 999/-
Good to buy underUnder 1500Under 1500
Current Price

You might be interested in the best TWS earbuds under 1500 budget.

Final Verdict – boAt Airdopes Atom 83 vs boAt Airdopes 141

There is tough competition exists between boAt Airdopes Atom 83 and boAt Airdopes 141. The boAt Airdopes Atom 83 is best for value for money because it has better bass, call quality, lighter in weight of buds and case, battery backup, and 50ms gaming latency. So the first choice is Atom 83.

But if you get boAt Airdopes 141 with better pricing which occasionally comes under the 1200 budget at a deal and offer run by amazon, Flipkart, and the boAt website itself then you can consider it.

boAt Airdopes Atom 83boAt Airdopes 141

We also did a comparison guide on boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs 83 in the previous post after full testing.

If you are searching for the best TWS earbuds under a 1200 budget then you can also check this out here.

Let us know in the comment section which one are you going to buy or why are you going to buy that earbud.

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