boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 Comparison: differences?

The boat is constantly launching new Audio Wearables products. The boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and boAt Airdopes 100 have been launched recently and both are competing and giving tough competition to each other. We are going to write about the boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 Comparison and what is the main difference between them.

We have analyzed all aspects such as build & design, connectivity, sound & call quality, and price overview. Let’s dive deep into a detailed comparison guide between boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and boAt Airdopes 100.

boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 Comparison
boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 Comparison

Build & Design: boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Type of EarbudsHalf In-EarHalf In-Ear
Design of EarbudsStem ShapeShort Stem Shape
FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Built WithPremium Plastic with Glossy FinishPremium Plastic with Matte Finish
Battery life indicatorSingle LED battery life IndicatorSingle LED battery life Indicator
Controls & Input(MFB) Touch area on both earbuds(MFB) Touch area on both earbuds
Dedicated Reset Button on CaseNoYes
Charging PortType CType C

The build & design of the charging case and CTC Area on the earbuds of boAt Airdopes Atom 81 is like a curve all around with a glossy finish mostly while boAt Airdopes 100 is slightly curved with a flat design at the lower of changing case and at CTC area of the earbuds with matte finish mostly.

We notice that Airdopes Atom 81 has a shorter stem shape and lighter earbuds than Airdopes 100.

The boAt Airdopes Atom 81 has IPX5 rated whereas boAt Airdopes 100 has IPX4 rated with a dedicated Reset Button on the charging case.

boAt Airdopes 100 Reset Button
boAt Airdopes 100 Reset Button

In the end, we don’t see any promising difference between boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and boAt Airdopes 100 which indicates the deciding factor. So there is no one winner in this build & design part.

Connectivity Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Bluetooth versionv5.3v5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
Charging PortsType CType C
Gaming modeYesYes
IWP TechYesYes
Google & Siri ConnectYesYes

You can see the difference between boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and boAt Airdopes 100 clearly by checking the above table. Everything is similar except the Bluetooth version which we found Airdopes Atom 81 has v5.3 whereas Airdopes 100 has v5.2.

This part is also not a deciding factor to choose one over another. So we can say there is no one winner in this area.

Battery & Charging Performance Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Battery Capacity (mAh)320mAh (case), 35mAh (buds)320mAh (case), 40mAh (buds)
FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Playback time7 hours (Earbuds), 50 hours with a case7 hours (Earbuds), 50 hours with a case
Time for a full charge40 minutes (earbuds), 2 Hrs (case)40 minutes (earbuds), 2 Hrs (case)
ASAP charge5 minutes charging = 1 Hour Playback5 minutes charging = 1 Hour Playback
Charging PortUSB Type CUSB Type C

In batter & charging performance, We don’t see any big difference between boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and boAt Aridopes 100.

We found a minor difference which is that boAt Airdopes Atom 81 has better battery capacity than boAt Airdopes 100.

So this is also not a deciding factor to choose one over another.

Sound & Call Quality Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Sound LeakageAbove 70% VolumeAbove 80% Volume
Frequency Response20Hz – 20kHz20Hz – 20kHz
Driver Size13mm10mm
For callingQuad Mic with ENx techQuad Mic with ENx tech
Call QualityBetterGood
FeatureboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Voice assistantYesYes
Bass qualityBetterGood

In this part of the sound and call quality comparison, you found the main difference that boAt Airdopes Atom 81 has better loudness, and call quality bass quality than boAt Airdopes 100.

You found that both boAt Airdopes has sound leakage and we will notice the sound leakage at 70% volume in Atom 81 as compared to Airdopes 100 has sound leakage at 80% volume.

This is the deciding factor that we found. Overall boAt Airdopes Atom 81 has better sound and call quality than Airdopes 100.

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Price Overview

ProductboAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100
Highest PriceRs 1499/-Rs 1399/-
Lowest PriceRs 1399/-Rs 1399/-
Good to buy underRs 1500Rs 1500
Current Price

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Wrapping Up

There is very tough competition for each other. After analyzing all, we found that boAt Airdopes Atom 81 has a slightly better sound like a bass, loudness, and call quality. So if you want a little bit of betterment in sound quality, you can go with the boAt Airdopes Atom 81.

On the other, boAt Airdopes 100 is slightly lightweight than Airdopes Atom 81. And of course, boAt Airdopes 100 has less sound leakage at higher volumes like 80% volume whereas Airdopes Atom has sound leakage at 70% volume.

Mr LazyTech also did a comparison of boAt Airdopes Atom 81 vs boAt Airdopes 100 on his youtube video, you can check that out here.

In the end, we have told you all the comparisons between both boAt Airdopes. Both the Airdopes come under a 1500 budget. We also did a comparison test between boAt Airdopes Atom 81 and Atom 83 that you can check out.

boAt Airdopes Atom 81boAt Airdopes 100

Also, check this out for the best boAt Airdopes under 2000

If you have still any doubts related to this guide comparison guide, feel free to comment below with your thoughts.

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