Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison which is better?

Do you want to know which earbuds are the better ones to buy among these two? Earbuds nowadays are becoming the primary choice for most users nowadays. And hence their numerous sets of earbuds are present on the market. Two such awesome products are Mivi Duopods F30 and Duopods F40. To help people be more clear about the decision, we are presenting Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison.

This article will help you to decide which set of earbuds will be better for you to go with. As it compares the earbuds with reference to Build quality, Connectivity, Battery life, sound quality, and last Performance comparison. If you decide which one you are going to buy, please let us know in the comment section.

Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison which is better?

Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison
Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison
ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Model NameDuopods F30Duopods F40
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorFeature-rich & AffordableElegant and Premium
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date9 September 20212 May 2022
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54.2⭐ out of 5

Talking of the overall form factor, both earbuds come from the Indian Brand Mivi. Mivi Duopods F40 is new and more focused on design and modern features. The user ratings of both earbuds are quite good to believe.

Build Quality Comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX4N/A
Battery life IndicatorYesYes
ControlsTouch ControlsTouch Controls
Weight4g for buds, 34g for case4g for buds, 37g for case

Talking of the build quality of Mivi Duopods F30, we get a rectangular case with round corners and a matte finish, and stem-shaped earbuds laid inside. We get 4 LEDs indicating battery life remaining. The entire set is rated IPX4 for water and sweat resistance. The earbuds are just 4g in terms of weight which excels the comfort.

While on the other side, in Mivi Duopods F40, we get a round and rectangular case opening on top. It has battery life indicators outside in front. The earbuds are stem shaped and fully made with plastic for better comfort and grip inside the ears. The set is not water-resistant so it might be a threat. The earbuds and case are lightweight enough for good and requisite comfort and fit.

Connectivity comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Bluetooth versionv5.0v5.1
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.NoNo

The only difference in the connectivity features of both earbuds is the Bluetooth version. Mivi Duopods F30 has BT5.0 for seamless connectivity and Mivi Duopods F40 has newer BT5.1. The features do not bother any connectivity performance. If this does not bother you, both earbuds are equally good.

This is to mention that both the earbuds lack the low latency mode so if you are pursuing any of these for gaming, It is not recommended.

Battery & Charging comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Battery CapacityNot mentioned40mAh for buds; 600mAh for case
Playback time5 hrs for buds; 35 hrs for case8.5 hrs for buds; 41 hrs for case
Charging time1 hr for buds; 45 min for case1 hr for earbuds; 1 hr for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 10 hrs playbackYes; 10 min = 80 min playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

For battery and charging, we see tough competition. Mivi Duopods F30 comes with 40 hours of playback time with 5 hours reserved for earbuds and the fast charging makes the earbuds ready for 10 hours in just 10 minutes of rest inside the case. The charging interface is Type-C.

While on another side, we get 50 hours of long playback time. the earbuds run 8 hours nonstop and even more depending on the sound settings. The case can charge the earbuds up to 5 times more. The earbuds get ready for 80 minutes in just 10 minutes of charging, thanks to the fast charging, The charging port is Type-C.

Sound quality comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Drivers size13mm13mm
Bass QualityGoodBetter

If we talk about the sound quality, we get a little dizzy sound in Mivi Duopods F30. The clarity is up to the mark, and the loudness and bass are high and good enough. If the user is a folk listener, It might not be the best option for treble and classic music. The instruments are not so clear. And if you are a casual listener, These are up to the mark. For bass, you can assume these as average earbuds.

While in Mivi Duopods F40, The bass is high but misses the clarity needed. The balance and instrument separation is above par. These are typical earbuds for casual music listeners and will satisfy their needs. Compared to other earbuds in this range, These are good enough to be sold under the range. The loudness of the earbuds is above par, the clarity is okay, the bass is high, and the balance is average. Making the sound quality great.

Performance comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40

Price & Price Range comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F30Mivi Duopods F40
Max. PriceRs 1230/-Rs 1199/-
Min. PriceRs 699/-Rs 599/-
Good to buy underRs 1100/-Rs 1200/-
Current Price

Mivi Duopods F30 Price range: The maximum price ever seen is Rs 1230/-while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 699/-. Mivi Duopods F30 is good to buy for under RS 1100/-.

Mivi Duopods F40 Price range: The maximum price ever seen is Rs 1199/-while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 599/-. Mivi Duopods F40 is good to buy for under RS 1200/-.

Final verdict

Now if we talk about which one is a better set of earbuds among these two, we believe Mivi Duopods F30 is a better set of earbuds as it got decent Build Quality, Good connectivity features, Exquisite battery life, Charging features, and decent sound quality. However, both are good enough to be sold and are tough competitors to each other.

Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison which is better
Mivi Duopods F30 vs F40 comparison which is better

For Build quality, if you get water-resistance protection, it is better. This is the only difference that separates the earbuds. For comfort and fit, you can choose either one.

In terms of connectivity, we get nothing to talk about but in terms of battery and charging, we get a choice of decency and excellence in an alternate manner. We can say Mivi Duopods F30 has it better for fast charging.

The sound quality is good in Mivi Duopods F40. It can be said it is better but as long as you are not a deep listener, you do not need it. And of course, it is not at the mark of the upper price range, Mivi Duopods F30 can be forgiven for that. and are a better value package.

Buy Mivi Duopods F30 –

Buy Mivi Duopods F40 –

Don’t miss

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Which earbuds are perfect for gym and sports?

Both the earbuds are lightweight and provide a secure fit into the ears hence both are equally good for gym and sports.

How to claim the warranty for earbuds?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

Is Bluetooth v5.0 too old now?

Considering the newest version 5.2, Bluetooth v5.0 does the job perfectly, so it is not old.

What is a matte finish?

The dull and less shiny surface of the product is termed a matte finish.

Can we use these earphones with a PC/Laptop?

Yes, the earphones can be connected to any Bluetooth-compatible device.

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